Sunday, November 6, 2011

RouteConverter 2.5 is ready

The latest version 2.5 from 6. November '11 offers a lot of new features and improvements.

First the website: The new tour tries to visually show highlights of RouteConverter while the completely rewritten features section aims at describing all features in detail.

Then the software:
  • reads and writes Navigon Mobile Navigator (*.route) files
  • reads broken Navilink (*.sbp) files without a header and with sometimes 31 bytes instead of 32 for a position
  • reads NMEA 0183 Sentences (*.nmea) even if the coordinates contain spaces
  • writes Google Earth 5 (*.kml) files with kilometer marks and a speed bar
  • writes the track extensions for Google Earth 5 (*.kml) files supporting timestamps for tracks
  • supports undo and redo when adding, removing, renaming position lists
  • displays elevation, distances and speed in miles and feet (Statute) or meters (Metric)
  • displays date and time in a timezone selected by the user with the machines timezone as a default
  • allows naming pattern for new or completed positions: Description only, Number only, Number directly followed by description and Number, a space then description
  • offers a feedback functionality which allows to send error reports and broken files from the help menu
  • uses Google Maps API V3 bringing a lot of features from to RouteConverter
  • allows to drag at routes to define waypoints
  • allows to avoid toll roads when routing
  • allows experimental routing for bicycles in the United States
  • allows to scroll the map with cursor keys
  • offers a context menu to the map view
  • offers a new selection model for the map: a mouse click selects nearby positions, shift + mouse click extends the current selection, ctrl + mouse click adds a position, ctrl + alt + mouse click removes a position
  • offers a new interactive zoom model for the map: pressing 'z' or clicking the new zoom symbol on the left side allow to define a map area to zoom in
  • offers a new interactive selection model for the map: pressing 's' or clicking the new selection control on the left side allow to define a map area where all positions are selected
  • extracts speed and heading from Qstarz BT-Q1000 (*.gpx) files
  • uses the latest Eclipse SWT 3.7 library making setup on recent Linux distributions easier
  • removes file upload to various online services as it was actually never used
  • tries to initialize the map forever if the Internet connection is temporarily unavailable
  • allows to use the Outdoor Active Map
  • uses for the popular Cycle map
  • allows to configure alternative server URLs other than
  • fixes a bug that CompeGPS Data cannot be loaded into a MagicMaps2Go position list
  • fixes a timezone display bug for XML-based formats
  • fixes a bug that shortened file names after the user has typed them
  • fixes a bug that grew the selection when positions were inserted
  • fixes a bug when changes on different positions lists where undone on the currently visible position list
  • fixes a bug when not copying positions before putting them into the clipboard
  • fixes a bug when file extensions where removed twice when writing files
  • fixes a bug when copying positions between RouteConverter instances failed

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Track ausdünnen

Eine interessante Methode, einen Track auszudünnen, hat Lorenz im MeinTomTom-Forum beschrieben:

Zunächst lade ich die mitgeloggte Datei mit den vielen hundert Wegpunkten in RouteConverter. Dann starte ich den RuteConverter ein zweites Mal. Dabei schalte ich immer hin und her zwischen den beiden RouteConverter-Fenstern. Im ersten Fenster schaue ich mir die Tour mit den vielen Punkten an und im zweiten Fenster setze ich neue Wegpunkte entlang der Tour nach den bekannten Regeln. Dazu klicke ich auf die gewünschte Stelle mit der rechten Maustaste und wähle 'insert' im Menü. Wenn die Tour fertig 'übertragen' ist in das zweite Fenster platziere ich die neuen Punkte bei hoher Zoomstufe exat auf die Straße. Alles in allen dauert die Punktereduzierung auf max. 48 ca. 10 Minuten. Die Wegpunkte sind dann genau da wo ich sie haben will.

Wenn ich das Programm die überflüssigen Wegpunkte entfernen lasse bleiben Punkte an Positionen stehen, die ich da gar nicht haben will. Also muss ich nach der automatischen Entfern-Arbeit von RouteConverter 'per Hand' weiterarbeiten. Alles in allem ist meine Methode wesentlich schneller.

Auch wenn ich die Methode interessant finde, komme ich mit dem automatischen Entfernen von RouteConverter besser klar. Wie geht es Euch?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

RouteConverter 2.4 is ready

The latest version 2.4 from 21. Mai '11
  • reads and writes CoPilot 8 (*.trp) files
  • reads and writes Opel Navi 600/900 (*.poi) files
  • adds Czech and Slovakian localization
  • allows to drag and drop positions in the position list
  • displays time data in the default time zone of the users machine
and much more...

This is how RouteConverter looks like:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

RouteConverter 2.3 is ready

The latest version 2.3 from 27. February '11

and much more...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RouteConverter 2.2 is ready

The latest version 2.2 from 18. January '11

  • reads and writes Navigon Mobile Navigator URL (*.url) from iPhone and iPad
  • reads and writes Qstarz BT-Q1000 (*.csv) files
  • reads and writes iBlue 747 (*.csv) files
  • renames the 'Tools' menu to 'Position'
  • adds new 'Position list' menu for addition, conversion, deletion, renaming and reversion of position lists

and much more...