Friday, February 27, 2009

Motorrad Tourenplaner 2008/2009 und Mobile Navigator 7

Im Forum beschreiben Nutzer, wie sie Routen mit dem Motorrad Tourenplaner in der Version 2008/2009 planen und in Mobile Navigator 7.3.1 übertragen. Und wie RouteConverter dabei helfen kann ;-)
Ich habe mir selbst gerade die wohl letzte Motorrad Tourenplaner Version besorgt und werde mal schaue, was sich verbessert hat und wie sich mein Tom Tom Rider befüllen läßt.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New release upcoming

The latest prerelease version 1.23.18 contains a lot of fixes and new features:

  • reads and writes Navigon Mobile Navigator 7 (*.freshroute) files

  • reads and writes Google Earth 5 (*.kml und *.kmz) files

  • reads more information from Google Maps-URLs, if you append &output=kml to it

  • reads more information from saved emails containing Google Maps-URLs

  • writes the last position of the previous section into the following section when splitting Google Maps-URLs

  • writes Google Earth (*.kmz) files

  • better distinguishes tracks and waypoints from Google Earth (*.kml und *.kmz) files

  • fixes a bug while reading ITN-, NMEA- and GoPal-files, which are recorded at the January 1st or 1970

  • fixes a bug while reading Falk Navigator (*.tour) files

  • uses .trk instead of .log as the file extension Magellan Explorist (*.trk) files

Please test it thoroughly and report any problems to the forum.