Saturday, September 29, 2007

Anyone using GPS-Tuner, CoPilot 6, Alan Map500?

Recently, I've added support for GPS-Tuner, Alan Map500 and CoPilot 6 to RouteConverter due to two dedicated users. Thank you Hartmut, Michael and Udo. Since I don't not know the software and devices they're using I'd like to get in contact with other users to validate that RouteConverter is doing the right thing.

Please feel free to drop me a comment or mail.

Monday, September 17, 2007

One more NMEA problem solved

Abie pointed me to a very stupid bug in the NMEA processing of RouteConverter. Starting with version 1.8, I've replaced the older GPSBabel based implementation by a self written one. The intention was to
  • make the processing faster
  • interpret a wider set of NMEA sentences
  • merge NMEA sentences which describe the same position
Obviously, this comes with a price: It takes some time to stabilize the code. Please try the new version 1.9.2 which solves the problem that NMEA positions in the south east are misinterpreted as south west.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

1.9 is ready

The latest version 1.9 from 09/12/07

Have a look at it:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Gestern habe ich die erste Anfrage nach einer Unterstützung von Top 50 ASCII OVL Dateien erhalten. Es gab auch Patches für GPSBabel, die aber in 1.3.4 nicht integriert bzw. aktiv sind. Wieviel Interesse besteht da?