1.20 is ready

Version 1.20 from 08/16/08
- parses and converts elevations from pilsit.logpos ITN files
- parses and converts elevations from Pilog Pro ITN files
- allows to complement elevation and place name of positions from http://www.geonames.org zu komplettieren
- integrates the option dialog to the "Misc" tab
- tries harder with brokes NMEA files
- tries harder to retain the button column on right visible
- updates the map only if it is visible
- allows to test the communication from IeEmbed.exe to RouteConverter.exe
- uses uppercase letters for the suggested file names of GoPal Route (*.xml) files
- avoids an error during the initialization of the map view if Firefox 3 is the default browser
- fixes a bug while moving of positions on the map (not under Windows Vista)
- fixes a bug which did not allow to choose the route view directly but had to choose waypoints and track first
- fixes a bug while reading MagicMaps (*.pth) files
- fixes a bug while reading GoPal Route (*.xml) files
- fixes a bug evaluating more than one position from the geocode attributes of Google Maps-URLs
- fixes a bug where a route was not painted if a position had no coordinates
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