Sunday, October 28, 2007

1.11 is ready

I think I've solved a lot of those nasty map bugs that plagued the 1.9 and 1.10 version. If you like give the latest version a try:

The latest version 1.11 from 10/27/07

  • reads and writes (*.loc) files
  • reads and writes Navigon Mobile Navigator 6 POI (*.asc) files
  • reads and writes Route66 POI (*.csv) files
  • reads other Google Maps URLs than those from
  • writes GPS Tuner files which may be read from GPS Tuner MapCalibrator
  • allows to remove positions such that at least a given distance lies between the remaining positions
  • allows Drag-and-drop for the Java 5 and the Mac version
  • better processes Google Earth 3 files from GPS TrackMaker
  • shows more detailed error messages if the map cannot be displayed
  • fixes a JavaScript bug while starting and displaying the map
  • fixes a bug while reading Google Earth files which contain only one Placemark
  • fixes a bug while reading Tom Tom Rider files which contain only one position
  • fixes a bug when writing Tom Tom Rider files if no positions are available
  • fixes a bug while reading Google Earth 4.2 files which contain NetworkLinks
  • fixes a bug when selecting routes if the routes are identical
  • fixes a bug in the Java 5, Linux and Mac version which hampers reading the formats Garmin MapSource, GPX- and Google Earth


Anonymous said...


ich interessiere mich sehr für den Konverter. Am meisten beschäftigt mich die Frage ob ich Orte, die ich bei GM unter meine Karten gesichert habe, als Favoriten in mein Tomtom Go importieren kann?
Ist das möglich?

Unknown said...

Ja, das sollte möglich sein über den Export ins "Tom Tom POI" Format.
