The long awaited release 2.0 of RouteConverter from 17. October '10
- introduces a completely redesigned user interface with a menu bar, popup menus and cleaned up tabs and dialogs
- introduces unlimited undo/redo for all operations on position lists
- displays the elevation profile prominently at the bottom of the window
- adds Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Serbian localizations
- offers 64-bit versions for 64-bit Java VMs
- is optimized for reading large data files
- reads routes from ZIP archives
- reads and writes routes from the system clipboard
- reads and writes Training Center Database 2 (*.tcx) files
- reads Google Earth (*.kml and *.kmz) files with GX extensions
- writes Web Page (*.html) files
- natively implemented Nokia Landmark (*.lmx) format
- speeds up the addition of elevation information by using HGT files from the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
- speeds up the loading of the categories from the browse panel
- uses the selected file format from file chooser as the first one to use to allow reading of Glopus (*.tk) files that look like Garmin POI Database (*.xcsv) files
- shows distances below 10 Kilometers in Meter and above 200 Kilometers without decimals
- contains a more Word-like dialog for unsaved changes
- adds a category for Garmin POI Database (*.xcsv) files
- adds a time for Training Center Database (*.tcx) files to ensure Garmin Training Center displays tracks
- fixes a bug when reading Google Maps URLs by adding &output=kml to the URL
- fixes a bug where the local timezone was used instead of GMT
- fixes a map repaint bug when zooming out of the map
- fixes a bug which sets the time of inserted positions to the previous position
- fixes a bug where the inserting of waypoints failed when the routing is optimized for pedestrians
- fixes a bug with a wrong ordering when reading Falk Navigator (*.tour) files
- fixes a bug while reading very small Wintec WBT-202 (*.tes) files
- fixes a bug while reading strange NMEA files
- fixes a bug where the waypoint encoding of Tom Tom Route files was wrong
- fixes a bug with optional elevation information in Google Earth (*.kml and *.kmz) files
- fixes width problems for the distance column under Linux
- and lots and lots of small fixes...